The Underwater Temple, a free standing sculpture executed by Yvette Endrijautzki, has been created for a short puppet film by Seattle artist Elijah Evenson. This animated short movie is a DIY production created in 2016, initially for a part of a documentary created by filmmaker Gisella Bustillos called "A Brief History of Time Travel". The idea of traveling through time, of going to the future or visiting the past, has been with us actually before the science behind space and time was even discovered....
In Elijah's KING REVATA , Yvette's aquatic temple, nebulized in special effects, is a main prop in this film, lancing through many different scenes. It measures about 3 x 3 x 1,5 foot and is made out of found objects, religious relics and tools, middle eastern jewelry and symbolic artifacts.
In 2016, the city of Normandy Park has been displaying the temple for the Normandy Park Festival of the Arts, including the hand made puppets fabricated by Elijah Evenson.
Serpent and Crow Arts has been so kind to enabling further art exhibits,
displaying the temple and a few of my newer assemblage sculptures at the
"B-Town Beat"- Art Walk in Burien at
Jay Lauris Jewelers studio.
Below, you find a section of the
short film King Revata.
Currently it has no sound, as it is still in production.
If you are interested in viewing the Underwater Temple,
please contact
curator Amber Nichol at
Currently, I am seeking for new display possibilities, preferable showcases, foyers, art schools or windows.
For questions about the movie, please contact Elijah Evenson at
Here the clip: