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Traum Tafel


Aktualisiert: 12. Dez. 2019

On June 29th in conjunction with Wuppertals socio-cultural event "Langer Tisch" (meaning "Long Table"), the Nautilus Studio was laying an exceptional table:

the "Traum Tafel" which literally translates to "Dream Table",

an expression with double meaning:

an abundantly set table or a vision board, a tool to reinforce and manifest daily affirmations.

The table or plate stands for external life. Already for the Egyptians, a set table connoted guests to be well served. Without an abundant set table, no-one would feel welcomed. The set table nourishes and mirrors our life energy or force, assimilating the mental and spiritual.

"Traum Tafel/ Dream Table" translates to vision board, a visual affirmation method, to help realise our dreams and visions

Parisian painter and furniture designer Liba Waring Stambollion, together with Viennese painter and graphic artist Otto Rapp and US artist Jeff Mihalyo (Seattle), were exhibiting a series of their works at the Nautilus Studio.

Partly visionary and haunting, partly surreal and dreamy, the fabulous work of the three artists fuse into one wholeness, one dream work.

Otto Rapp, Liba W. Stambollion and Jeff Mihalyo are all members of the "Society for ART OF IMAGINATION". Liba and Otto were in attendance especially for the "Traum Tafel".

Airbrush artist Chris Lüning gave a face lift to our junction box in front of the Nautilus with a phantasmal underwater world .

With fascinating 3D Prints (printer live in action) and augmented and virtual reality demonstrations, the EXCIT3D team were presenting the state of the art possibilities of 3D and 4D technology.

The exhibit started on June 29th and is still up. The official ending was planned for August 26th, but is now prolonged till September 22nd, when the exhibit will participate as a pop up gallery at the Lichternacht in Solingen.

Here some impressions of the opening on June 29th:

the first official Vernissage at the Nautilus Studio...

Photos taken by photographer Jana Turek:

Radio Kilowatt from Wuppertal has broadcasted an interview with Yvette Endrijautzki about the Nautilus Studio and its first official Vernissage : the "Traum Tafel"

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